Affair without evidence, can I get a divorce?

Let’s take a closer look at the case of affair without evidence. This is the story of a middle-aged man who wants a divorce due to his wife’s infidelity. After a long consultation with a divorce lawyer, we decided to start a litigation divorce.


Affair without evidence, can I get a divorce?

1. Background

Men prided themselves on having a happy family with their wives. He believed that his wife was also a person who was faithful to her family and loved her work. Aside from frequent business trips abroad, he was a perfect person.

In the meantime, He heard from acquaintances that his wife seems to be traveling abroad more often than her duties. One day He had a chance to look at his wife’s phone and was shocked to see that she had exchanged love messages with a strange man.

Feeling betrayed and embarrassed, He couldn’t back up her messenger or move the related photos to the drive.

2. Preparations

While proceeding with the divorce, He was able to convince the court to check the immigration records of his wife and the man.

Confirmed that the arrival and departure dates for Japan, Europe, East Asia, etc. are the same.

In addition, when He checked his wife’s credit card details through a fact check, He found out that there was a travel agency payment and that the accommodation was booked through the travel agency. We immediately inquired about the following facts to the travel agency through the court.

  • Has his wife ever booked an overseas trip through a travel agency?
  • Who is the companion?
  • Where is the destination?
  • Reserve hotel and single or double bed, etc.

A lawyer looking for evidence

3. Procedure

When the divorce was first filed, the wife complained to the court saying that it was a misunderstanding due to her husband’s suspicion. However, after checking the travel agency through immigration records and card details, She apologized to her husband and children.

Also, the husband wanted to scold the incestuous man. The incestuous man was none other than his wife’s junior at work. It was because he couldn’t see someone else’s family breaking up and living happily. Sangganam was a man who made a name for himself in overseas sales within the company.

After consulting with a divorce lawyer, he came up with an idea. Putting aside the desire to disclose to the company the adulterous man works for, he requested a fact-finding from the adulterous man’s company.

He asked if he was working at a company at the time he went on an affair trip, and he said that he often went on business trips abroad. The actual call history was roaming on the company phone during working hours, and the number and volume of calls were quite high, so it was an important situation that could amount to a breach of trust.

4. Result

As a result, the wife admitted all guilt, and most of the husband’s claims were granted. Also, the incestuous man was rumored to be a person who got promoted by flirting with a female boss at work, so he said he left the company himself.

Today’s point is that even if there is affair without evidence. if you meet an experienced divorce lawyer, you can find indirect evidence. Don’t suffer alone, consult with an expert!

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💢 3 Divorce Proceedings

Ref. Contested Divorce proceedings.

Ref. Uncontested divorce.

Ref. Divorce mediation.